As we all know, 2020 brought challenges for schools that no one could have predicted! However, one thing has always stayed consistent: dedication to the education of students! Crafting a successful school environment (even when it’s virtual) takes dedication from the entire staff. 2021 is only beginning, and there is still time to set up your school for success this year. 

These are our top six tips for schools this year:

  1. Meet with your team– Whether it is virtual, by teleconference or a socially distant in person meeting, set aside time to meet with your staff. Use this meeting as a time to lay out your priorities and expectations for the second half of this school year and get everyone on the same page. Make sure the meeting is an interactive conversation with ample time for your staff to relay their concerns, their solutions to unique challenges, and those things that are important to them and the success of their classrooms this year.  
  2. Reinforce the importance of teachers– From the end of last school year, and still to today, teachers are experiencing a more difficult job than ever before. Continuing to educate while being flexible and helping students change learning tactics is a huge challenge. Make sure your educators know just how much you care for, and respect their hard work.  Respond to and allow new ideas about how to handle this new school environment. 
  3. Update Student/Staff Communication – Students are facing a variety of situations that can create anxiety or other issues. These feelings can be expressed in different ways, including negative behaviors in the classroom. Now is a good time to remind students about the ways they can communicate with staff about how they’re feeling about COVID, as well as personal issues at home or with other students. It is also a good time to remind students and teachers about the mental health resources that are available from the Organization or entities that contract with the school. Ensuring that everyone knows where to turn for support will help  create better outcomes all around.. 
  4. Update your regulations and handbooks– Set a meeting with your Human Resources (HR) Manager to review your organization’s policy handbook. Does your remote work policy need to be updated? What about your leave policy in light of the changes to the FFCRA?  Regularly reviewing and updating this tool ensures that your team has the most current knowledge needed to effectively, respectfully, and successfully run a school. Once the information is updated, ask your HR team to develop a series of communications and meetings to highlight any new policies and provide a refresher on some of the more pertinent guidelines. 
  5. Host a professional development seminar – While professional development hours are required for educators, it should also be encouraged by administrators. Providing ongoing opportunities throughout the year to expand your staff’s knowledge of the latest practices, helps to reinforce your commitment to your staff and your collective investment in the school.  We recommend chatting with your teachers to understand which topics they’d like to learn more about. If you need suggestions, please reach out to us for help.  
  6. Review roles and responsibilities– The beginning of a new year or semester can be tough as staff members are settling back into their positions. Help ensure that everyone is on the same page as you start the second half of the school year by reviewing the roles and responsibilities of your administrators and teachers with them. Schools become most successful when everyone is working towards a joint vision. 

Transcendent Law Group combines the best legal minds, the best business practices with the best technology to obtain the best results. Contact us today to learn more about how we help schools across the gulf south!